CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

4C and pouring rain

Came home with treasures from the OVAS meeting.

I went for the socializing and to buy some fish food at the mini auction, but in addition came home with a potted Tradescantia  (thanks Bianca) and four little bushynose plecos, courtesy of Wayne’s breeding pair. Now, anyone who knows my tanks, knows I don’t really have room for four bushynoses, but so far they’re very wee (~ 1 cm). Two are now in the minnow tank downstairs, and two wiggle happily through the assassin tank, with Max the betta keeping a curious but not evil eye on them.

They should be good in either tank for a while, but the 5 gallon at least will become too small for them when they grow out. More reason to tackle the paludarium set-up, as soon as I’m done with my office.