CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Cleaning out the tanks

Rory was giving me a hand, err fin:

Ranger Rory

(He’s usually rather camera shy, so I quickly grabbed the opportunity.)

We got our pond plants

I planted a cute little hardy Calla right by the waterfall and something purple-blooming with grasslike leaves whose name I already forgot on the side (took out a truckload of Daylilies; they just grow like crazy there).

Also found some swamp plants for a bog pot on the patio:

The Bog Pot (tm)

8°C – rain

We got soaked this morning on our way to the aquarium club breakfast. and it’s friggin’ cold outside. We had fun anyway, though (and a yummy breakfast). I gave away my adult White Clouds, cause I have so many babies swimming in the tank downstairs that I don’t know what to do with them anymore. As soon as they grow a bit, I’ll have to start selling those too.

18°C – sun and scattered showers

Things are humming blooming and popping open everywhere. It’s a joy to run around outside with or without the camera. Last weekend I finally got rid of the ugly plastic planters in front of the house and replaced one with the tub I had the pond lily in last year.

The lily unfortunately didn’t make it through the winter, so I potted up some of the papyrus divisions and one of my peace lilies in there and today added the baby minnows, who were rapidly outgrowing their refuge in the snail tank.


I always have to give myself a little something for being brave at the dentist (I blame my mom who started the practice when I was little), so I bought a small maidenhair fern they sold at the grocery store for three bucks. Pretty little thing. Too big for my  mini greenhouse unfortunately, so I might plant it outside by the pond. For now it’s sitting entwined in the leaves of the monstera where it gets misted along with the Spanish moss every morning.


The new guys are doing well so far, and Rosy (the minnow we got last year to see how well she’d make it thru the winter) seems thrilled but confused. She frequently joins the school of minnows, only to then go back to hang out with her goldfish buddies. Did we give her an identity crisis?

Pond Add-ons

A half score of little rosy red minnows was acquired at the pet store. They’ve been added to the pond, and swim around a bit confusedly yet, occasionally followed by one or the other of our curious goldfish. I took care that they’re too big to be considered food, though.

Good day.