CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Cleaning out the tanks

Rory was giving me a hand, err fin:

Ranger Rory

(He’s usually rather camera shy, so I quickly grabbed the opportunity.)

Tank update

Ranger Rory has grown to respectable proportions. When I first got him, he was half the size of the cory below him. It’s rare that he presents me with an opportunity for a full length shot. Usually he dashes into hiding as soon as someone approaches the tank.

I’ve been busy setting up the 10 G river tank

… for the WCMM in the basement. It has a bit of wood and some medium sized rocks, but mostly pebbles of three different sizes. I scrounged some parrot feather and salvinia out of the pond and one of the little water hyacinth plantlets, added some java fern and African fern from the big tank and dumped in a Japanese moss ball and a few physa and MTS. Here’s a shot while I was planting:

In early October I started to scoop the minnows out of the pond. I found nine out of ten. One of them had had a spine deformity – he looked like a Z from above, and we were always amazed that he was still swimming along with everyone else. But in the end, I guess he didn’t make it.
The nine seem happy enough in their smaller quarters. I put a little powerhead in for them, and they love swimming right in it’s stream.

Two days ago I added Cthulhu, the Bristlenose from the blackwater tank. I’ve carefully acclimated him to the cooler and somewhat harder water over the past 10 days. And while he seems a little shell-shocked by having been moved twice in two weeks, he’s slowly regaining his colour and starting to explore his new home.

I took him out of the big tank, because he’d been harassing the Ranger Pleco, who’s a bit of an emo kid. Rory, the Ranger kept showing up in the mornings with torn and ragged fins and grew more and more shy. Now, the fact that his nemesis is gone slowly dawning on him, he’s finding back to his happy scamp self, and, ye gods, is he ever beautiful, proudly displaying tail and sail and with all his fins fully healed.

Everyone is peachy

… and the little pleco doesn’t look like he took any damage. I hope I caught it in time, and that the weeks he spent at the LFS were enough of a quarantine.

I still don’t know why the QT suddenly crashed like that, but I guess that small a system w/out any plants is always vulnerable. I might also change the filter material. I don’t trust those all in one pads that came with it. When you change one (though I hadn’t, so that wasn’t it), all the nitrifying bacteria come out with it. That can’t be good.

The mystery Ranger Pleco btw. seems to be a Pterygoplichthys weberi.

QT crash

Had a heart attack this morning. Went to check the ammonia in the QT as I did every second day, and it was through the roof. Did an immediate 75% water change w/ Prime and Stability, and the pleco, who’d been just hovering on the bottom immediately picked up a bit, but ammo was still not in any comfortable range. I did small 1 quart water changes every fifteen minutes for a few hours, w/out bringing it down any further.
Around 4p.m. I finally gave up on it, netted the pleco, checked him over for any signs of burns, but didn’t see any, and moved him into the main tank.


They still had the Ranger (mystery) Plecos at my LFS today, and they assured me that they would take him back in case he got too big for my tank. I mean, what’s a girl to do, faced with the tiniest cutest wiggliest most interestingly patterned pleco ever seen? And who can resist a mystery? Right? Right? Right.

So *erm* anyway. He’s in the QT now. Most people I talked to who know plecos, seem to think he’s some kind of peckoltia. Anyway, I named him Rory (‘Rose is Rose’ fans will understand).