CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Mo’ fish

Good day at the OVAS giant auction yesterday. Bought a truckload of plants for the 75G downstairs, finally found my tall piece of wood for the same tank and my angels — four adults and 5 juvies. One of the adults looks a bit beat up and can’t move one of his pectoral fins, and another one’s fins look a bit nibbled, too. But the others are in good shape, and most of them were happily nibbling on NLS pellets this morning.

I also found 5 juvie Heterandria, which brings my little colony to eight. Very happy about that one. And picked up two pairs of Endlers. I’d always wanted some of those. One of the females seems stressed, and I hope she’ll recover. Those auctions always mean a long day in a bag for fish …

Other than that I brought home some dried brine shrimp and a short-handled algae scraper, which will be much handier for the little Heterandria tank than my big one. Ver successful hunting all in all.

First Giant Auction

I came home with an amazing pile of loot, and an OVAS membership card, but too late to do anything but collapse on the couch. Now I’m back with fresh energy, planting some plants. There’s Java Fern (both kinds), Java Moss, Vals (straight and spiral), Crypts, Swords and Nympheas (Tiger Lotus).

I had to move the rock formation to the back and replace a couple of the stones with smaller ones to make room for the big rooted stump I bought. That thing has an amazing volcano-like opening in the top that just begs to be stuffed with plants.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t look half bad. I have quite a bit of straight Val left over (that was a big bag) and some tiny Java Fern plantlets. They’re in the nano for now that I freed up when I took the spiral Vals out.

Already looks much better

…  with a bit of water in it. ;oP

Anyway – off to the big auction.