CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks


All three of our goldfish survived the winter. The pond is mostly ice-free by now, and I also saw 5 of the minnows and a frog.

Quiet Sunday

A bit of clean-up around the house in preparation for The Big Freeze ™. I was just going to do a round of checking on things, but it was so nice outside that I spent about 2 hours, snipping here, moving there, weeding a bit, storing pots, watching the fish in the pond … Very restful.

Otherwise spent the day around fish tanks, doing water changes and cleaning filters. The guppy family seems to have settled in nicely, as have the little goldfish, who don’t scare the minnows anymore. Not too much, anyway.

We had another glorious day

… and did the fall clean-up. The tiger raked leaves, and I heaved the tropicals out of the pond (he helped me with the big one) and potted them up, and cut down the perennials. Most of the water hyacinths landed on the compost. I just left three in there to give the fish some cover, but they do turn very icky after the first frost.

Finally I netted the goldfish babies (I found 5) to overwinter them in the tank downstairs. Two of them are about 1 1/2″ inches and thus prolly big enough to survive on their own, but the other three are under 1″, so they all came out. Easier than trying to catch only the little ones, and why take chances.

The minnows immediately schooled tightly and went into partial hiding, but the suckermouths were completely unfazed by their new tankmates:



The new guys are doing well so far, and Rosy (the minnow we got last year to see how well she’d make it thru the winter) seems thrilled but confused. She frequently joins the school of minnows, only to then go back to hang out with her goldfish buddies. Did we give her an identity crisis?

Pond Add-ons

A half score of little rosy red minnows was acquired at the pet store. They’ve been added to the pond, and swim around a bit confusedly yet, occasionally followed by one or the other of our curious goldfish. I took care that they’re too big to be considered food, though.

Good day.

Back in business

I got my outside day today. We used it to spring-clean the pond, give the fish a spa day and restart the filter and waterfall. I divided and repotted the papyrus and plunked it and the black taro back in their place.

The fish were hardly back in the pond when they started playing in the waterfall. It’s so nice to have it back. It’ll be my lullaby tonight.

One of our Comets Disappeared

Thursday they were all three still there, Friday I only saw two of them — Agent Orange, the bright orange one nowhere to be found. Yesterday we did the big spring cleaning of the pond and he’s definitely gone, not even a body is there. I’ve never seen a heron around, but that’s the only thing I can think of. Especially since they have lots of hiding places they can scoot to, but herons are patient.

We put all the tender plants and tropicals back in yesterday, so now more than half of the surface is covered, three days too late?

What a brilliant day

Spring is here. The fish were out, and I sat by the pond and fed them a little bit of their spring food. They’re not very hungry yet, though. Might have something to do, too with an overabundance of algae in the pond. Smorgasboard.


Cut down all the perennials in the pond

… and scooped out most of the floating plants. It’s cold in the mornings and frosty at night. The goldfish only come topside during midday, when the sun warms things up.

Golden light

… and the first fallen leaves. All the minnows are scooped out and swimming happily in a tank in the basement. The goldfish are still out and about, doing their thing.