CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Finding Information

Seems I found a stand. It’s gonna get here Saturday, so pics will have to wait. Meanwhile I finished reading Mein Erstes Aquariumbuch (how fitting) which is a first rate starter book for kids (kudos to you and Monika, Volker), and Freshwater Aquarium Problem Solver, an easy read, also aimed, or so I’d think, mainly at beginners and new tank owners.

Finding Room

Had to do some major rearranging to clear the perfect corner for my new tank. So, here’s where it’s gonna go. Now, I need to find me a stand and a timer and a big ass power bar.

I’m so weak

After discovering that Ottawa has an aquarium society, I went to their January meeting and bought my first aquarium plants (a bunch of Vals and some Java Fern). And the tank is still in it’s box. Good thing the tiger had a 2 gallon nano he was willing to lend me for the time being.

The first snowstorm of the new year …

… has returned things to a more seasonal state.