CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks


Went on a fish roadtrip after OVAS breakfast with some of the ladies. I had two gift vouchers burning holes in my pockets, and came home with a handful of neons for the blackwater tank, some Emerald Eye Rasboras for the Edge (They currently reside with the guppies and the badies until the Edge is set up.) and five teensy little Heterandria formosa for the little hexagon in my office. They’re all happily swimming around in their respective tanks.


I’ve been counting only nine neons for the last 2 or three days, even at feeding. Didn’t find any bodies, but it is odd, to say the least.


Picked up 2 more peppered cories today, roughly the same size as the four I already have. And I finally got my neons; ten little guys:

I drip acclimated them for two hours and so far they seem ok. I guess the next couple of days will show how they weathered the transition. From what I heard from other aquarists, they can react quite badly to changes in their water parameters, so I’m a bit wary. I guess time will tell.

The cories were adopted into the tribe almost immediately. At first it was easy to tell them apart, because they were so much lighter in color, but they’re adapting to their darker surroundings quite nicely, and pretty soon I won’t know who’s the newbie anymore.