CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Mini Auction

Came back from the OVAS meeting with a big bag of snails for my assassins. That should tide them over for a few months. Max objects to them, though. He’s been watching them closely, trying to pick at them and then skulked off pouting to hide in some Java fern. Thing is, they decided to rest in the spot where he builds his bubble nests. He’s not a happy betta.

Also brought home a fairly large bag of frozen spirulina and veggie food for the plecos. Everyone in my tanks will think it’s Christmas early.

Fish Move

I changed the Betta, the cherries and the assassins over to the new (old) 5 gallon tank that has a real fitting cover and tank light. I’ve been wanting to do that for the longest time. Now I can finally take my desk lamp back to use as intended.

Some of the cherry babies are still in the old tank with only two inches of water. Man, those suckers are hard to catch. I put a makeshift trap in and hope I can pull them out tomorrow.


Last week I had tetra eggs in the tank, probably from the glowlights, but the few I managed to rescue fuzzied over and died.  Angry  I wasn’t really prepared to deal with those. Have to read up on what conditions they need.

My assassins are also doing well. I keep seeing little ones poking out of the gravel. And the cherries are doing their thing without my meddling.

New tank

This is the little tank we found at the Glebe garage sale. Set up for the Assassin snails to breed in:


Came home with four assassin snails today. We’ll see if they can make a dent in the pond snail population. They’re quite pretty with brown and yellow bands.