CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Party Planning

Had to do a last minute relocation of the OVAS Christmas party, because not enough people signed up for booking the hall. Thankfully we still got a reservation at a nice buffet-style restaurant on the Quebec side. Hope we’ll reach everyone in time.

I Won Something

We had a small aquascaping contest for fishbowls at OVAS, and my little shrimp garden made 2.prize (a giftvoucher for 35CAD at my LFS):

fish bowl

Ah, the unimaginable riches. What to spend them on, now.

OVAS Garage sale

It was great, as always.

I sold some small tanks and fishbowls and some mountain minnows and picked up some guppies, a tank light and hob filter, some wood and some fishfood. As always, I spent about as much as I earned. But then, making money is not really the point of a flea market sale. Cleaning out space is.

Anyway, Since the guppies needed a new home STAT, it was a good thing I had that empty 10g sitting around (thanks, Errol). Only thing I had to pick up new was the gravel; for the plants I raided my other tanks:


So far the guppies (2 at right hand back corner and 1 right under the surface) seem okay. I wonder how many I’ll have at the end of the winter.

New Club Executive

Exec meeting with the newly elected guys brought some positive energy back into the bunch. Looking forward the new season with a little more optimism than I thought I’d have.

4C and pouring rain

Came home with treasures from the OVAS meeting.

I went for the socializing and to buy some fish food at the mini auction, but in addition came home with a potted Tradescantia  (thanks Bianca) and four little bushynose plecos, courtesy of Wayne’s breeding pair. Now, anyone who knows my tanks, knows I don’t really have room for four bushynoses, but so far they’re very wee (~ 1 cm). Two are now in the minnow tank downstairs, and two wiggle happily through the assassin tank, with Max the betta keeping a curious but not evil eye on them.

They should be good in either tank for a while, but the 5 gallon at least will become too small for them when they grow out. More reason to tackle the paludarium set-up, as soon as I’m done with my office.

First Giant Auction

I came home with an amazing pile of loot, and an OVAS membership card, but too late to do anything but collapse on the couch. Now I’m back with fresh energy, planting some plants. There’s Java Fern (both kinds), Java Moss, Vals (straight and spiral), Crypts, Swords and Nympheas (Tiger Lotus).

I had to move the rock formation to the back and replace a couple of the stones with smaller ones to make room for the big rooted stump I bought. That thing has an amazing volcano-like opening in the top that just begs to be stuffed with plants.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t look half bad. I have quite a bit of straight Val left over (that was a big bag) and some tiny Java Fern plantlets. They’re in the nano for now that I freed up when I took the spiral Vals out.

I’m so weak

After discovering that Ottawa has an aquarium society, I went to their January meeting and bought my first aquarium plants (a bunch of Vals and some Java Fern). And the tank is still in it’s box. Good thing the tiger had a 2 gallon nano he was willing to lend me for the time being.