CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Finally managed to get a shot

… of one of the Badis:

Scarlet Badis

Mine have discovered the cave in the big piece of wood in the tank and barely stick their noses out, the little emo kids. I’m hoping that’ll change when they’ll eventually have that tank for themselves.


Called the store about the damaged tank, and they said they’d hold the only other one in the store for me to do an exchange, and ‘very sorry’. You better … Marg will provide transportation again sometime next week. Yay!

J came by to drop off the fish and pick up her shrimp, so now I’ve got two tiny Badis bengalensis swimming in the guppy tank downstairs. They’re very shy and still quite pale.

Ships in the Night

Was supposed to meet J at St. Laurent. She wanted to give me two of her badis in exchange for some cherry shrimp, but she didn’t show up, so I picked up the tiger at the office and came home. Turns out her message that she wouldn’t make it had just missed me. Doh.