CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks


All three of our goldfish survived the winter. The pond is mostly ice-free by now, and I also saw 5 of the minnows and a frog.


The new guys are doing well so far, and Rosy (the minnow we got last year to see how well she’d make it thru the winter) seems thrilled but confused. She frequently joins the school of minnows, only to then go back to hang out with her goldfish buddies. Did we give her an identity crisis?

Pond Add-ons

A half score of little rosy red minnows was acquired at the pet store. They’ve been added to the pond, and swim around a bit confusedly yet, occasionally followed by one or the other of our curious goldfish. I took care that they’re too big to be considered food, though.

Good day.