CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

The nano apparently already had a snaily inhabitant

He looks different from the ones I had so far. This one is about 1,5 mm. Ramshorn?


Looking around for the macro snails, I noticed that there’s also a batch of eggs on the Vals:

And here I thought I’d be bored waiting for the fish. ;o)


The eggs seem to be hatching. There are teensy snails in the nano now:

About the size of a quarter pin head. I left the side of the tank in the picture when I cropped, so you get the thickness of the glass and the silicone strip for scale.


And? Is that a Physa?

Anyone want to hazard a guess? To me those triangular horns (see 2 pics below) look quite different from the one I first fished out and think is a physa. But I find it hard to get relevant info on the net. The pages that are there all seem to be disagreeing as far as taxonomy is concerned.


And another one:

Both have been kicked into the nano. I also found more leaves with eggs (they were on the Crypts), which I at this point just threw out. I’m sure there’ll be more.


Found another one in the big tank.

And here’s the captured snail

… that I think belongs to the eggs (or vice versa). It looks like a tadpole snail (Physa), about 2-3 mm:


I put her and the leaf w/ eggs in the nano tank. I was afraid she’d run out of oxygen in the jam jar. Here she’s on her way to the surface to get some air:


Takin’ a deeeeep breath.


Happily munching away.


Here’s a better picture of the eggs:

It’s easier to photograph in the tank than in the jam jar. ;o)


A view of the nano tank after replacing the twisted with the straight Val:

If you look closely, you can see a speck on the glass; that’s the snail heading back down after her breather.

Seems I have imported some small snails with the plants:

They’re hard to make out, so I put up a trap. Maybe I can identify them. I want to know if they’re friend or foe. Looking around, I also spotted some eggs on a leaf. Sorry for the poor picture quality. I have to learn to take pics through water. I carefully put the berried leaf in a jar with aquarium water to see what’s going to happen.