CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks


Last week I had tetra eggs in the tank, probably from the glowlights, but the few I managed to rescue fuzzied over and died.  Angry  I wasn’t really prepared to deal with those. Have to read up on what conditions they need.

My assassins are also doing well. I keep seeing little ones poking out of the gravel. And the cherries are doing their thing without my meddling.

Still no neons

Added 7 more glowlight tetras today, bringing their total number up to 10. It suddenly looks a lot more lively in that tank. I have the feeling the three old ones are a tad territorial, but it’s not easy to tell them apart. Looks like mere bickering, though, I’m not really concerned.

Big Adventure

Moved the cories into the main tank today. They, of course, went immediately for cover.

I think I’m almost as stressed out as they are, even though everything went smoothly. They were easy to net in the QT. I added some Prime and Stability to the main tank to give everyone a good start, and now we’ll have to see. The glowlights are merely curiously peeking at their new neighbors now and then. Cthulhu hasn’t come out yet. I know I’ll be eagle eying that tank again now for the next 78 hours to make sure everyone is ok.


Here’s one in the background, trying to blend in behind the glowlight tetra:

Tomorrow I want to see what my LFS has for as as far as a next batch of newbies is concerned.

Glowlight update

So far they’re okay, though they weren’t terribly interested in food this morning. They’re incredibly fast movers, which is why there’s no picture yet. I’m trying out videos, but they need to be worked on, and I need to figure out the software before I can do that. So, only verbal update for now.

I went to buy some neons …

… and came home with three little glowlights. The neons were still in quarantine and not for sale yet. I saw the tank full of beautiful glowlights a couple of weeks ago when I went to get my bristlenose, but thought they’d all been sold by now. Lo and behold, though, there were three left, swimming a little forlornly in a tank full of small rasboras. Since they were the last of a whole shipment,  I named them The Mohicans.

They still look a little lost in my tank, but they’re checking out all the hidey holes and occasionally surf in the filter current. Now I just hope they’ll survive the next 72 hours.