CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Very Sad

… to report that Max, the betta has left to swim wherever bettas swim in the afterlife. Yesterday he was still all perky, fighting his daily fight with my finger and begging for food, and today I found him under the big driftwood in the tank. He lived to the respectable betta age of three years – happily I hope. He’ll be missed.

Mini Auction

Came back from the OVAS meeting with a big bag of snails for my assassins. That should tide them over for a few months. Max objects to them, though. He’s been watching them closely, trying to pick at them and then skulked off pouting to hide in some Java fern. Thing is, they decided to rest in the spot where he builds his bubble nests. He’s not a happy betta.

Also brought home a fairly large bag of frozen spirulina and veggie food for the plecos. Everyone in my tanks will think it’s Christmas early.

Max loves chasing shrimp


We have a new guy in the house. Meet Max, the betta: