CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Fluval Edge

This was the state of affairs on Feb.1:

In the meantime I’ve dismembered some Chladophora, anchored down a bit of Najas guadalupensis (we’ll see how long that stays put) and gradually moved over the rasboras and the CRS. I still haven’t got all of the air bubbles out of the top. I’ll have to go find that algae magnet. But for what it’s worth, here’s my first poke at Iwagumi:

I took my time (you should have seen me sitting on the floor at Big Al’s arranging rocks on my little tank sized newspaper piece). I introduced the fish and shrimp 3 per day, even though I had material from their old tank for bacteria. They all seem to be doing well so far.

Substrate is normal Estes Black Marine Sand. Since I’m not going to play with the light, I figured my plants won’t need any nutrients beyond what the fish supply for free.

I kept moving the rocks around, because there was always an angle from which I didn’t like them, and it took me a while for the algae pieces to stay where I wanted them. I thought I could just insert come pebbles, but those things fall apart just where you don’t want them to. I also find you need a few contortionist genes to arrange anything through that opening.

Fluval Edge

I’m playing with rocks:

Fluval Edge

So, Marg took me to the store today to pick up my Edge. Yay! Unfortunately when I tried to set it up, I discovered scratches on the bottom and a nick at the top edge. Boooo!

Early prezzie

I had written a letter to Santa wishing for a Fluval Edge, and the tiger told me today the Northpole management okayed it as long as I can provide transport. Hehe.

Fluval Edge

I just saw my first Edge in a store window, and, man, it’s pretty. Now I want one. The filter intake was hidden by an insert that also sported a couple of small planters in the same Zen inspired style.

New look

Changed the background today to something more in keeping with the wood and plant look of the tank.

Now that the water is not so brown anymore from the tannins, the rock background was starting to look very gray. Note to self: more plants!

I got the fitting hood

Looks a lot sleeker. No ugly waterline, no huge gaps.

Me’s happy.


Aaaand: Lights on!

Could use a leeetle top-up. But otherwise bright and shiny. Yeah. Now, if the parameters keep being good, I’m ready for a fish next week.

25 g tank up and running – so far so good

I finally finished putting all the auction loot in yesterday, and now the filter’s starting to clear the water a little.

I’m not in love with the canopy that came with the kit. Not that it’s bad, it’s just the wrong one for this tank. It’s 5 cm too short and not made for rimless tanks. If I can find a light-glo or something similar for not too much money, I might try to sell this one while it’s still new. It’s either that or rig something up that keeps the fish from carpet surfing.

Close-up of the Tiger Lotus:

The flash swallows the colors a bit, but if I try w/out it, the reflections are bad on the glass.

In a few weeks I’ll go looking for a little bristlenose. It was too sad to see those beauties go at the auction and not being able to get one.

But now, the waiting game starts. I should go, read my library books, knit a sweater or something, to pass the time.

Ok, ok, I couldn’t resist. I tried a pic w/out flash, just for the pretty color of the light:

So, sue me. At least I found a position where the reflections are kept to a minimum.

First Giant Auction

I came home with an amazing pile of loot, and an OVAS membership card, but too late to do anything but collapse on the couch. Now I’m back with fresh energy, planting some plants. There’s Java Fern (both kinds), Java Moss, Vals (straight and spiral), Crypts, Swords and Nympheas (Tiger Lotus).

I had to move the rock formation to the back and replace a couple of the stones with smaller ones to make room for the big rooted stump I bought. That thing has an amazing volcano-like opening in the top that just begs to be stuffed with plants.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t look half bad. I have quite a bit of straight Val left over (that was a big bag) and some tiny Java Fern plantlets. They’re in the nano for now that I freed up when I took the spiral Vals out.

Already looks much better

…  with a bit of water in it. ;oP

Anyway – off to the big auction.