CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Shooing fish babies

I finally cleaned out the minnow tank downstairs. It was really, really necessary, but with all the itsy bitsy babies in there I hadn’t dared so far. And while they grew a bit and are now able to swim more strongly, they’re still only a couple of mm long, so it was a harrowing business of constantly checking the gravel vac and the bucket. Twice I had to evacuate an entrepreneurial youngster from the vac, once I almost sucked up one of the little plecos. But he whizzed out of harm’s way under his own steam. *phew*

Back in business

I got my outside day today. We used it to spring-clean the pond, give the fish a spa day and restart the filter and waterfall. I divided and repotted the papyrus and plunked it and the black taro back in their place.

The fish were hardly back in the pond when they started playing in the waterfall. It’s so nice to have it back. It’ll be my lullaby tonight.

Tank update

Ranger Rory has grown to respectable proportions. When I first got him, he was half the size of the cory below him. It’s rare that he presents me with an opportunity for a full length shot. Usually he dashes into hiding as soon as someone approaches the tank.