CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Fluval Edge

I’m playing with rocks:

Scarlet Badis

Mine have discovered the cave in the big piece of wood in the tank and barely stick their noses out, the little emo kids. I’m hoping that’ll change when they’ll eventually have that tank for themselves.

Fluval Edge

I’m thinking Iwagumi, but don’t know anything about it, so for the time being I’ll just do some reading before setting up. But I was too excited not to share.

I’m also trying to get my hands on some of the accessories, like the little heater and the gravel vac. Needless to say I’m following the other Fluval Edge thread here very closely.

I already bought the fish.  10 Emerald Eye Rasboras that are currently residing with my handful of guppies in a ten gallon. I’m thinking about moving some of the shrimp to the Edge (either some cherries or the Crystal Reds) and have my eye on the little pre-filter sponge.

Undecided about plants yet. Prolly mainly mosses. We’ll see. This Iwagumi stuff is engrossing and quite involved. I’ve always wanted to play around with that.