CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Fish babies update

Pulled 15 more babies out of the minnow tank. As for the cory hatchling, I haven’t seen it. I cleaned the big tank today very carefully, and left out the corner where I first spotted it, though I don’t know, of course, if it’s still there.


We have fish babies. The minnows downstairs have spawned again, and I keep siphoning those itsy bitsy eyelashes into the safety of the breeder inset, but the silly things keep swimming back out thru the slits to where the adults are waiting for a snack. We’ll see if any of them survive long enough to become too big at least to fit thru the slits.

In the big tank meanwhile I saw a single, I believe it’s a cory hatchling, since it hides in the gravel, and the cories are the ones who spawn frequently. I’m always surprised when one of the eggs survives despite the ever hungry tetras, and at this point I don’t think the hatchling’s chances are quite 50/50 yet. Nevertheless both the tiger and I keep peering in to see if we can spot it (we’re a talking about 3mm length here and the thickness of a sewing thread with a pin head attached) and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for it to survive past snack size.

Over now?

Added the last dose of medication on Saturday. Yesterday I did a 50% water change, added carbon to the filter and set the temp two degrees lower. So far things are looking good, but I won’t breathe relief until I’ve had my first two weeks without a relapse. Incredibly, the cory baby (lower right corner) never missed a beat.



I’d seen my peppered cories lay a very few eggs after the last heat wave subsided, but as the tetras are eating them as fast as they come, I didn’t think anything of it. This morning as I was making sure everyone shows up for feeding, I saw a tiny movement at the mouth of the cave out of the corner of my eye, and sure enough, a teensy tiny cory baby is down there munching happily along the rocks. My very first fish baby. I must confess, I’m pretty excited.

Unfortunately it’s way to quick for me to catch it on camera. I’ll keep trying, though.


Picked up 2 more peppered cories today, roughly the same size as the four I already have. And I finally got my neons; ten little guys:

I drip acclimated them for two hours and so far they seem ok. I guess the next couple of days will show how they weathered the transition. From what I heard from other aquarists, they can react quite badly to changes in their water parameters, so I’m a bit wary. I guess time will tell.

The cories were adopted into the tribe almost immediately. At first it was easy to tell them apart, because they were so much lighter in color, but they’re adapting to their darker surroundings quite nicely, and pretty soon I won’t know who’s the newbie anymore.

Lost one of my cories today

He was the smallest and always a little less boisterous than the others. Yesterday afternoon I missed him at feeding time, and searched in vain all evening. This morning I found him still alive, but sticking to the filter intake. I put him in a QT by himself so he wouldn’t get picked on (not that there was a mark on him), and an hour later he was dead. I have no clue what killed him. All I can think of is that he was fighting something since I got him, and the stress of being moved to the main tank on Wednesday weakened him further. But I have no idea what he could have been fighting. Apart from the fact that he was half the size of the others (and they’re all not fully grown, so I thought he was just a bit younger), he didn’t look any different. He was definitely out and about and feeding with everyone else yesterday morning. Water tested the same as always (amm/trites 0, nitrates under 20).
Needless to say I’m keeping a sharp eye on the others now.

Big Adventure

Moved the cories into the main tank today. They, of course, went immediately for cover.

I think I’m almost as stressed out as they are, even though everything went smoothly. They were easy to net in the QT. I added some Prime and Stability to the main tank to give everyone a good start, and now we’ll have to see. The glowlights are merely curiously peeking at their new neighbors now and then. Cthulhu hasn’t come out yet. I know I’ll be eagle eying that tank again now for the next 78 hours to make sure everyone is ok.


Here’s one in the background, trying to blend in behind the glowlight tetra:

Tomorrow I want to see what my LFS has for as as far as a next batch of newbies is concerned.

They sure like their brine shrimp with spirulina


I was just going to buy fish food

… and then they had these cute little cory cats. You know how it is. Anyway, five of them are in my QT right now.  I fed them and the tetras a couple pinches of dried bloodworms yesterday and they totally went wild.

Here they are happily munching on some NLS pellets I got for them yesterday:


The Mohicans really appreciated the change from the flakes and gobbled up quite a few of those yummie new pellets. The guy in my LFS said, even his BN likes them, so Cthulhu might be in for a treat tonight.