Fluval Edge
Posted by Anja on January 24, 2011 at 17:19 | Last modified: July 11, 2012 16:15I’m playing with rocks:
Scarlet Badis
Posted by Anja on January 3, 2011 at 14:57 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 00:41Mine have discovered the cave in the big piece of wood in the tank and barely stick their noses out, the little emo kids. I’m hoping that’ll change when they’ll eventually have that tank for themselves.
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Posted by Anja on at 02:27 | Last modified: July 11, 2012 16:25I’m thinking Iwagumi, but don’t know anything about it, so for the time being I’ll just do some reading before setting up. But I was too excited not to share.
I’m also trying to get my hands on some of the accessories, like the little heater and the gravel vac. Needless to say I’m following the other Fluval Edge thread here very closely.
I already bought the fish. 10 Emerald Eye Rasboras that are currently residing with my handful of guppies in a ten gallon. I’m thinking about moving some of the shrimp to the Edge (either some cherries or the Crystal Reds) and have my eye on the little pre-filter sponge.
Undecided about plants yet. Prolly mainly mosses. We’ll see. This Iwagumi stuff is engrossing and quite involved. I’ve always wanted to play around with that.
Categories: 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Fluval Edge | PermalinkRoadtrip
Posted by Anja on December 11, 2010 at 20:35 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 15:48Went on a fish roadtrip after OVAS breakfast with some of the ladies. I had two gift vouchers burning holes in my pockets, and came home with a handful of neons for the blackwater tank, some Emerald Eye Rasboras for the Edge (They currently reside with the guppies and the badies until the Edge is set up.) and five teensy little Heterandria formosa for the little hexagon in my office. They’re all happily swimming around in their respective tanks.
Tags: Heterandria formosa, Paracheirodon innesi, Rasbora dorsiocellata | Categories: 25G South American, 2G Hex, 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Roadtrip | PermalinkEdge
Posted by Anja on December 10, 2010 at 23:20 | Last modified: July 8, 2012 21:26Called the store about the damaged tank, and they said they’d hold the only other one in the store for me to do an exchange, and ‘very sorry’. You better … Marg will provide transportation again sometime next week. Yay!
J came by to drop off the fish and pick up her shrimp, so now I’ve got two tiny Badis bengalensis swimming in the guppy tank downstairs. They’re very shy and still quite pale.
Tags: Badis bengalensis | Categories: 10G Tropical, 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Edge | PermalinkFluval Edge
Posted by Anja on December 9, 2010 at 23:18 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 15:50So, Marg took me to the store today to pick up my Edge. Yay! Unfortunately when I tried to set it up, I discovered scratches on the bottom and a nick at the top edge. Boooo!
Tags: tankbuild | Categories: 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Fluval Edge | PermalinkEarly prezzie
Posted by Anja on December 8, 2010 at 23:17 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 15:50I had written a letter to Santa wishing for a Fluval Edge, and the tiger told me today the Northpole management okayed it as long as I can provide transport. Hehe.
Tags: tankbuild | Categories: 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Early prezzie | PermalinkFluval Edge
Posted by Anja on at 12:42 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 15:51I just saw my first Edge in a store window, and, man, it’s pretty. Now I want one. The filter intake was hidden by an insert that also sported a couple of small planters in the same Zen inspired style.
Tags: tankbuild | Categories: 6G Fluval Edge | Comments Off on Fluval Edge | PermalinkShips in the Night
Posted by Anja on December 7, 2010 at 23:12 | Last modified: July 9, 2012 15:52Was supposed to meet J at St. Laurent. She wanted to give me two of her badis in exchange for some cherry shrimp, but she didn’t show up, so I picked up the tiger at the office and came home. Turns out her message that she wouldn’t make it had just missed me. Doh.
Tags: Badis bengalensis | Categories: 10G Tropical | Comments Off on Ships in the Night | PermalinkOVAS Christmas party
Posted by Anja on December 4, 2010 at 17:56 | Last modified: December 4, 2010 17:56That was nice indeed. They reserved us a little terrace style room overlooking the main restaurant, where our group was a bit separate from the rest. So we were able to have our prize draws and stuff without a hitch. Unfortunately I won back the plant I had donated, so I passed. Came home with one of the table decorations, though in a simple spherical vase that’ll look good with pretty much anything.
Food was good, and the service professional. The restaurant is huge, but well partitioned, and they have the steering of the masses down pat. The perfect place to still get a group reservation when everyone holds their Christmas parties.
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