CanadaquaBetween Pond and Tanks

Ice over

We installed a bubbler to keep the fishes supplied with oxygen, but the hole is closing quickly.

Hibernation time

Ice dams are forming, and it’s time to shut down the waterfall.

First snow

A couple of weeks ago we added a beautiful moss overgrown branch to the top of the waterfall, but it seems I forgot to take a picture, so you’ll have to wait until the spring to admire it.

First fall

The frogs accumulate like nuts

Feeding the fish occasionally is sheer indulgence, they’re getting on fine without our help. We’ll have to stop soon as the weather gets colder, though.

Mo’ fish

We added two more comets to bring the number back up to three: Agent Orange, who has beautiful black markings on his fins, and Plan B, the orange and white one.

First planting

We added some dwarf cattails and zebra reeds.


We seeded with starter bacteria, bought three comets from the feeder bin: Curly (white), Larry (orange) and Moe (black). Unfortunately Larry didn’t survive the day and Curly followed him within 72 hours. We learned that feeder bin fish aren’t necessarily the healthiest ones around.

I hid the liner on the other side and re-located the ousted daylilies.


Time for some prettyfication

The main work is done. Remaining tasks included cutting excess liner (conservatively!)  and hiding the rest ( left side is done), and camouflaging the waterfall tub.

If you look at theright rim, you’ll see a gravelly gap between some rocks, where we made a ‘beach’ to break up the sheer sides. Frogs and insects love the sun spot, birds take their baths there, and it’s a potential escape route for any unwary furries that might fall in the pond.


We proudly bought our first pond plant, a water hyacinth, and it seems the froggies approve that decision.


Must not forget to actually add the overflow pit:

The day the water flowed

We connected the pump, installed the net and brushes in the skimmer (lower right) and mats and bio balls in the filter (upper left), filled’er up and sat back to enjoy the show.

I think we still tweaked the position of the rocks a few times after this picture, but at the end of the day, we were pretty darn proud of ourselves: